dahlia in my garden: Rio Fuego in Coleus leaves

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday-Newsday #138

[NOTE: Next week there will be no new Tuesday-Newsday post - I will be away from my computer to visit my newborn niece!]

Time for Tuesday-Newsday! The Featured Blog Posts this week are Throw the Migraine Advocate off the Plane?, AWAP Wednesday: How do I deal with anger at my chronic illness?, and Recovering Your Hope.” 

Let Me Know: If you’d like me to watch for articles on your pain condition, just drop me a note in the comments section below. 

WARNING:  My goal is to provide the most up-to-date news I can, which you can then take to your personal doctor and debate the merits of before you try it. I do not endorse any of the docs, treatments, info, and meds in anything I post nor can I guarantee they are all effective, especially not for everyone. As is the case with any health info, ALWAYS get your doctor's opinion first!





by Ellen at Migraine.com
(Note: What happens when you are traveling with a carry-on bag of medical supplies you may need during your flight - but an airline employee says you can’t keep it with you? This is a must read piece.)

by Jenni Prokopy, edtrix of Chronic Babe

by Dr. Laurie at Creaky Joints

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