dahlia in my garden: Rio Fuego in Coleus leaves

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday-Newsday #139

Time for Tuesday-Newsday! The Featured Blog Posts this week are all about the struggle of pain patients to be believed by others, that our pain is real and not exaggerated. The first piece is by Jan Sadler and the other two are both written by Carol Levy.

Let Me Know: If you’d like me to watch for articles on your pain condition, just drop me a note in the comments section below. 

WARNING:  My goal is to provide the most up-to-date news I can, which you can then take to your personal doctor and debate the merits of before you try it. I do not endorse any of the docs, treatments, info, and meds in anything I post nor can I guarantee they are all effective, especially not for everyone. As is the case with any health info, ALWAYS get your doctor's opinion first!



Two physicians’ opinions on opioids, particularly on Zohydro’s release this week: 



This is a radio interview with Dr. Leo Kapural of Wake Forest University Health Sciences and pain specialist Dr. Paul Christo at Johns Hopkins about this recently developed minimally invasive therapy



by Jan Sadler of Pain Support UK

by Carol Levy

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